We’re Living Chemical Factories

Date(s) - 02/11/2015
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Relaxation Centre of Queensland


Presented by Joan Wilson-Jones

Certain thoughts and behaviours can cause our bodies to stress and produce chemicals which over time can be damaging. Other thoughts and behaviours produce chemicals which are beneficial and healing. No chemicals are ‘bad’. Rather it is the time and timing that determine whether they are helpful or OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAunhelpful. And the best news of all, we have control over the chemicals – we truly do.

Joan brilliantly illustrates and shows participants the overall effects of varying emotions, attitudes and practices which most have never been aware of previously. Joan says we can ALWAYS change what is happening within us – no exceptions.

Joan Wilson-Jones presents courses in many cities and organisations throughout Australia. Participants love her style of communication and humour as she illustrates so clearly how these life-changing ideas can be implemented.


Bookings are closed for this event.