The 7 Rays of Life

Date(s) - 26/05/2018
9:30 am - 5:00 pm

Relaxation Centre of Queensland


Presenter:  Marion Neighbour

According to the Ancient Wisdom Teachings the Seven Rays are responsible for a person’s psychological makeup and understanding them will be the basis of the new psychology of the 21st century. Understanding the Ray’s influence on a human being will effectively equip us to know ourselves and to love and understand ourselves.

This weekend we will immerse ourselves in the Rays, beyond abstract learning and explore our own makeup; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Participants will create a working hypothesis of their own Ray influences and ways to apply the knowledge.

The enquiry will be both deep and engaging, with digital presentations, group activities, role playing, art work and a great deal of colour and humour. Participants were very praising of Marion’s previous session here.

FEE: $100. PLEASE BOOK with full fee or $20 deposit. Bring lunch to share.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a weekend workshop – SATURDAY & SUNDAY 26/27 MAY, 9.30am-5.00pm


Bookings are closed for this event.