Stress and Anxiety – Understand It to Change It

Date(s) - 12/02/2016
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Relaxation Centre of Queensland


Presented by  Hilda Brunckhorst

Hilda Brunckhorst_2016PLEASE NOTE: This is a 6-week course – sessions held each Friday evening.

You only need stress when there is real danger: all the other stress is based on misunderstandings in your subconscious mind.

Over six weeks Hilda will introduce you to your ‘security guard’, your subconscious mind and its way of learning. Besides explaining why your ‘security guard’ holds onto misunderstandings in your beliefs, causing you unnecessary stress, Hilda will share an understanding about life that enables you to revise these learned beliefs. This new understanding will help you change your reactions and responses to situations that bring stress and anxiety.

Many people like to work through stress and anxiety over a period of weeks with the benefit of weekly sessions. They can then talk about their various challenges and learn new strategies.

Hilda receives most appreciative feedback for her enthusiasm, insights on complexities and articulate style and the way she tailors information for each person to bring change into their lives. Here is just one example:
“This was a simple course that was presented extremely well. It was interesting the changes we have to make are really quite small but lead to huge and uplifting changes. I enjoyed it completely and got a lot out of it for such a reasonably priced course. Hilda very much has her feet on the ground and talks common sense (No airy/fairy business). Thank You.”

Join this very practical down-to-earth course presented in a very friendly and light-hearted way.

FEE: $180 (for the 6 sessions). PLEASE BOOK.


Bookings are closed for this event.