Special Free Previews

Date(s) - 20/06/2015
9:30 am - 1:00 pm

Relaxation Centre of Queensland


Here is an opportunity to come along and listen to twelve or so speakers giving you some interesting insights for 10-15 minutes each of the essence of their course. In our last similar morning participants were surprised by the amount of information the speakers were able to share in that time and some people said they had their note pad packed with valuable ideas and we had many, many requests for “More please”.

In line with the Centre’s policies nobody will try to sell you a course or any item from the Shop. The purpose of the morning is to give you really practical information, and answer any of your questions. Morning tea is provided.

Entry is free. So if you’d like to come IT’S ESSENTIAL YOU BOOK YOUR PLACE.


Bookings are closed for this event.