Second Chance Workshop

Date(s) - 31/10/2020
10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Relaxation Centre of Queensland


Presenters: Vicki Bennett (left) and Rhonda Ohlson (below)

Are you looking for a second chance to redefine your life?

You may recently have had big changes in your life: been separated from a partner, someone close to you may have died; you may be experiencing fear, anxiety and pain from the past and crave a new way of thinking and living. If you are looking for answers, Second Chance is a workshop which will help you fill the gap and expand your vision of what you are capable of becoming. Vicki Bennett is a Corporate Trainer, author of nearly 30 books, and the latest being The Book of Hope – an Antidote for Anxiety.

Rhonda Ohlson is a Feldenkrais Trainer and author of Sovereign Women. They will come together today to present this workshop that can lead to exciting changes for rapid growth and much needed clarity.

Individually these women are very effective presenters touching the lives of many hundreds of people each year. Together they bring a unique insight into breaking old patterns and thoughts that cause pain, worry and no longer serve us.

FEE: $65. BOOKING ESSENTIAL with full payment.  Bring own lunch.  Numbers currently need to be strictly limited and we are not taking online bookings. Please pay over the phone to avoid build-up of people at Registration – Ring us on 07 3856 3733 to register your booking and make payment.