Date(s) - 29/10/2020
12:00 am
Relaxation Centre of Queensland
- Brain-Health
- Breathing Techniques
- Confidence
- Creativity
- Encouragement
- Exploration/Inner
- Growth/Personal
- Meditation
- Motivation
- Painting/Drawing
- Relaxation
Presenter: Jean Turnbull
PLEASE NOTE: Jean will present this course over 2 weeks.
Many of you know of Jean’s remarkable skills in teaching others to paint in ways they never thought possible. Numerous people come in saying that they have never been able to paint yet leave so delighted with what they have created. Come and experience the joy of painting in acrylics.
Jean has assisted large numbers of people to discover their latent creative painting skills in her various painting classes.
In these 2 sessions Jean will guide you in creating a seascape. Second session Thursday 5 November. Limit of 6 people.
FEE: $75 for the two sessions (includes materials). BOOKING ESSENTIAL.