Remembering Who You Truly Are

Date(s) - 24/10/2015
2:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Relaxation Centre of Queensland


Presented by Madonna Sharpe

Madonna Sharpe 2015A person’s image may project confidence and self-assurance; however it may actually be hiding a person’s discomfort and insecurity. The image can then be an illusion and portrays the opposite of what is truly going on.

When there is this confusion, projection and underlying suppression of our truth it brings about doubt and distrust in ourselves.

So today we will take a look at some of the beliefs that are keeping you trapped in feeling insecure and powerless and highlight how through listening to your inner knowing your whole world can and will change!

Madonna has been assisting others for over 10 years and helping them move beyond their limiting self-beliefs and fears. She offers a very warm and caring approach in all she does.



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