Mindfulness Meditation

Date(s) - 15/05/2018
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Relaxation Centre of Queensland


Presenter:  Linda Oram

PLEASE NOTE:   This is a 4-week presentation, sessions each Tuesday evening.

Our mental health and happiness are profoundly shaped by what we do with our attention. Meditation is the method we can use to focus our attention on what is actually happening in the present moment.

Regular practise of meditation will enhance the quality and happiness of our lives – open us to qualities we didn’t realise we had and allow us access to strengths and peace that can surprise us.

Come along and enjoy Linda who has found this process so valuable in her own life. She will guide you through the basic steps of Meditation so that you can establish a regular and satisfying practice for yourself, to give you all the benefits this offers.

Feedback from Linda’s previous courses:

This course helped me understand meditation more fully and to keep persevering with it

As this was my first “toes in the water” moment Linda ably led us through the step.  She did not force anything, she led us towards our goal of becoming a still mind and being in the moment.

This was a truly helpful and important class.  The benefits of meditation are cumulative.  Linda explained the importance of mindfulness, the awareness of what is happening around us in the here and now through our senses.

This course is exactly what I needed in today’s busy world.

This course brought me up to date with modern research as well as provided me an opportunity to try out different mindfulness techniques in a lovely, non-distracting environment.  It’s amazing to see such a simple practice bring about such profound benefits.



Bookings are closed for this event.