Date(s) - 19/11/2020
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Relaxation Centre of Queensland
Presenter: Elena Lymbery
Do you feel overwhelmed with so much contradictory advice on food and diet being given these days? Here is an opportunity to look at your health and wellbeing in small easily digestible chunks. Great results can come from consistent, smaller steps, seeing how they work for you. In these sessions you also have Elena to talk things over with.
Elena has many years of interest and study in healthy lifestyles and says, “Making changes comes much easier with the help of a similar-minded and very supportive group of people.”
There will be a demonstration, short films, health tips and discussions. We regularly demonstrate the value and making of fermented foods. A nutrition-filled delicious smoothie is included! Everyone is welcome.
FEE: $12. BOOKING ESSENTIAL. Numbers are strictly limited.
Please ring us on 07 3856 3733 to register which session you wish to attend. Owing to government guidelines we need to conform with the numbers allowed in any one session.