Film: This Sacred Earth

Date(s) - 08/09/2016
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Relaxation Centre of Queensland


This Sacred Earth – The 2012 Phenomena

Here is a film from Australians Billie Dean and her filmmaker husband Andrew Einspruch, full of lightness of spirit, love of beauty and reverence for the natural world. They believe that a disconnection from nature is the root cause of our planetary crisis, and ask wisdom keepers around the globe what each one of us can do. .

This Sacred Earth is a documentary exploring what each one of us can do to dream in the indigenous prophecy of a Golden Age from the galactic alignment of December 21, 2012 — the end of the Mayan calendar.

If you want the latest, positive information on how to live safely through the Earth Changes and beyond, and to understand the big picture, you will want to see this uplifting, hope-filled film. It could be the most important thing you do — for yourself and for the planet.

Billie was first introduced to the indigenous prophecy in 1978. She and Andrew Einspruch also filmed the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 in Glastonbury. This was the dawn of the new Golden Age. In the early 90s, Billie was approached by a Hopi elder to write about the Earth Changes in Australia, and has since met with prophecy and wisdom keepers around the world about these times. As an animal shaman, Billie also has urgent messages from animals and nature. Today she is a spokesperson on how to make the Golden Age of peace our new reality now.

Entry $5. No booking required. Just come along.