Film: The Art of De-Tox

Date(s) - 26/11/2020
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Relaxation Centre of Queensland


Graeme Sait talks about 74,000 registered chemicals so many of which our bodies were never designed to handle. Here are 7 wonderful ways to detox and clean our bodies.

This is an information-packed film so have your pens and note pads poised as Graeme shares so much wonderful information in this talk.

Graeme Sait is the internationally acclaimed, author educator who co-founded Nutri-Tech Solutions (NTS) 16 years ago. He has written hundreds of published articles and a popular book “Nutrition Rules!”. Graeme has formulated many of the soil health and human health products for which NTS are renowned and he has developed all of the nutrition programs that are the keystones of their proactive management approach.

Graeme is also the founder of the Radiance Festival, a six-day Wellness Conference held between Christmas and New Year in conjunction with the Woodford Folk Festival. Radiance attracted 16,000 people in 2009. Graeme is a powerful presenter who speaks at conferences and seminars around the globe. His inspiring presentations are often described as “life changing”.

Entry $5. BOOKING ESSENTIAL. Numbers currently need to be strictly limited and we are not taking online bookings. Please pay over the phone to avoid build-up of people at Registration – Ring us on 07 3856 3733 to register your booking and make payment.

All DVDs available in our Shop subject to availability from Suppliers