Esoteric Astrology

Date(s) - 14/09/2024
9:00 am - 5:00 pm


Marion Neighbour

Day one

Esoteric (spiritual)Astrology is concerned with the soul’s journey and the unfoldment of consciousness.  It is centred around the 7 Rays, the Ascendant, and the ruling esoteric planets, all of which can help reveal the soul’s purpose.

Learn about the 7 Rays, the esoteric/spiritual meaning of the astrological signs, their ruling planets, and the Ray energies that flow through them.  You will use your own astrological chart to map your souls’ journey, helping to reveal your soul’s purpose, and therefore the lessons, strengths to be advanced and weaknesses to be overcome. We will present these teachings in a fun and colourful way, using drama and experiential chart exploration.
If you don’t already have your chart we can draw one for you. We need your birthdate, birth time and place of birth (if no birth time we can work around that).

Fee: $100 (incl Workbook) Bring your own lunch.




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