Date(s) - 08/05/2021
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Relaxation Centre of Queensland
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Presenters: Cate Crombie (left) and Sarah Callinan (below right)
It can be hard to know how to respond when little children have big emotions. In the absence of understanding of where the upset is coming from, we may respond in ways that make things worse. Also we may find our own strong emotions being triggered. Children in our care, especially from birth to age five, really need our warm empathic support while they are growing and developing the ability to manage their own emotions. The more we understand the feelings and needs signalled by behaviours then we are better able to respond effectively and appropriately.
Whether we’re parents, grandparents, carers, teachers or early childhood educators, as caregivers to children it’s also essential to have the skills to effectively manage our own emotions. Today is all about regulating difficult emotions, our own and those of the children we care for, with a special focus on infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers.
FEE: $75. BOOKING ESSENTIAL. Numbers currently need to be strictly limited and we are not taking online bookings. Please pay over the phone to avoid build-up of people at Registration – Ring us on 07 3856 3733 to register your booking and make payment.