Date(s) - 18/12/2018
10:45 am - 12:00 pm
Relaxation Centre of Queensland
- Anxiety
- Cancer/Health/Support
- Cancer/Support
- Confidence
- Empowerment/Personal
- Encouragement
- Exploration/Inner
- Health/Healing
- Motivation
- Nutrition/Diet
- Stress/Anxiety
Presenter: Michael Dunn
Numerous people each year come to the Centre or call us and tell us either of their recent diagnosis of cancer or that of somebody close to them.
We don’t advise one way or another in regard to medical treatments but over the years more and more has come out as to what we can do for ourselves. Then instead of purely relying on others to assist us we start to do things that can empower us, strengthen our bodies, calm our minds and develop hope. Also some people say they learnt so much through having cancer and it’s opened a new life for them.
This weekly session is guided by Michael Dunn who has over 35 years of experience in leading such groups and working with many, many hundreds of people. He has a wealth of ideas and suggestions to share with you.
The group can be so supportive and good to be part of.
FEE per session: $12 ($18 couple). No booking required – Just come along.