Boot Camp for Mental Fitness

Date(s) - 25/05/2019
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Relaxation Centre of Queensland


Presenter:  Hilda Brunckhorst

This boot camp is different. It is a workout to help you feel mentally stronger in dealing with stressful situations. Yes, in a very short time learn some ins and outs of: Reducing and avoiding stress, breaking the stress cycle, changing control issues, limiting your worries and embracing a healthier outlook on life situations.

It is not about physical fitness, but about training for your mental fitness. NO exhausting physical exercises, but mental exercises to empower you. Here is an opportunity to be better equipped to deal with those challenging situations. Expect eye-openers, insightful information, drills for effective change, fun, and maybe a bit of a sore brain at the end… Are you ready? Then let’s get under way.


Comments from previous participants:

I found the course very insightful and the time went very quickly! I now have many skills to try and implement for my stress. Hilda was a very good presenter and certainly made it very interesting.

I was given much to consider, to wonder about, to experience, to add to my knowledge, to review, revise and learn anew.

Thank you, Hilda, for a very informative session – I certainly took away a lot of useful tools with my favourite one being “Life is about learning, always learning and contributing to others’ journeys’. The ripple effect, Hilda called it and we do need to use a little ‘muscle’ to retrain our subconscious mind. I also loved all of the little exercises and turnarounds including the phrase “I welcome my stress as a sign to explore it…’

A really good picture for the stress I’m feeling. Thank you, it has been very helpful

This course gave me some great insights regarding my beliefs and how to change my reactions in order to have less stress in my life. I got a lot out of this course – thank you so much.



Bookings are closed for this event.