Being Authentic

Date(s) - 29/05/2021
10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Relaxation Centre of Queensland


Presenter:  Alexander Robey

Do you feel pulled and pushed acting out roles not for you? What about expectations that rule your life with a sense of exhaustion and obligation? How far have you drifted away from your authentic self, pretending and performing to the needs of others? Is it time to regain your zest for life and authentic self by chipping away layers that no longer serve you? Perhaps life has thrown you a curve-ball with upheaval and change; or transiting through a life stage where your sense of self is rattled in unfamiliar territory? Who am I and what is my role and purpose?

If you have said yes to any of these questions this gentle and informative workshop to being more you is certainly for you.


Numbers currently need to be strictly limited and we are not taking online bookings. Please pay over the phone to avoid build-up of people at Registration – Ring us on 07 3856 3733 to register your booking and make payment.